
Thank you for visiting U-clipusave. Here our mission is to help you maximize your savings by clipping coupons and spending less. Couponing is not a hobby, but more a way of life. You can enjoy the same products you and your family have always enjoyed while spending less and keeping more money in your hands. Let's embark on this journey together .....to get more for less.



Check out my Shopping Trips for under $2.00

Transaction #1

2 - Kraft Cheddar Meals                    $1.60
2 - Soft Soap Body Wash                  $6.00
3-  Bags of M&M's                           $7.99
2 - Nivea Lip Balms                         $4.00
            Total                                    $19.59 + $1.04 = $20.63

Coupons Used:
2 - Soft Soap $1.00/1                     ($2.00)
2- WAGs Soft Soap $1.00/1          ($2.00)
2 - Nivea        $1.00/1                    ($2.00)
2 - M&M'      $1.00/1                    ($2.00)
2- WAGs M&M's $1.50/1            ($3.00) 
1- Register Reward                       ($3.00)
1- Register Reward                       ($6.00) 
                                                     ( $20.00) Total Out of Pocket - $0.63

Transaction #2

Total Cost - $27.71
Coupons -   ($23.65)  = Total Out of Pocket - $4.06

                                                                         Transaction #3
On this trip, Shop Rite paid me to shop. Total out of pocket $0.57. Received a $5.00 CAT

                                                                        Transaction # 4

Once again, I was paid to take these items of the shelf -   OOP= $0.85 cents, Received $5.00 CAT
Look what I found in clearance at Target......yup, scented Airwick oil twin refill, and I had (2) $1.00 off coupon so of course I grabbed two.

Couldn't pass up the Ore Ida & Heinz Catalina deal at Shop Rite this week. For every 4 packages and 1 jar of heinz gravy, I received $8.00 in Cat's................woo hoooooo!!!!! Hope you were able to take advantage of this deal also. It ends on Monday, October 17th.

All the Ore Ida Fries and Gravy were  F R E E....................I love FREE!!!!!!!

This was a great week for Freebies and CAT's!!!!

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